Protecting Your Pup: More questions than answers

Protecting Your Pup:
More questions than answers

🌷Spring is here! (Wish Mother Nature realized that with some nicer weather.) Anyway this blog is more about asking important questions than providing answers on how to best protect your pup from the threat that fleas & ticks present to them. Most dog owners realize the importance of medications to prevent heart worm and other parasitic infections but the options for flea and tick prevention are so numerous, each with a list of pros and cons, that it can be overwhelming. There are synthetic treatments and natural treatments. There are topical and oral applications, sprays, powders, collars, shampoos and dips. Some treat for fleas and ticks and others for just fleas. Some treat adult fleas and flea larva, others for just one or the other. Some products include a repellant property. So how do you decide on the most effective treatment for your dog? There isn't one correct answer and that's why the questions you ask are so important. Here's a starter list of questions for you to consider, research and discuss with your veterinarian to allow you to make the best decision for your pet.

Does my dog need both flea & tick prevention? (Will your dog be in an environment where it will be exposed to ticks?)
Which method of administering the product works best for your situation? ( Can you keep other pets & children away from the product until dry if applied topically?)
Has the product been proven safe for my particular breed & size of dog?
How often does the product need to be used?
Is it cost effective?
Will I need to use more than one product?
Is there a treatment if my dog has an adverse reaction to a product?
What does my veterinarian recommend?

The correct choice of product is going to depend on your answer to these questions and others. Do your research, consult with a trusted veterinarian, and don't be afraid to ask questions to insure you get the best protection for your pup. Have a safe & happy spring! 🌷